This Blog is really the Captain’s Log and it relates to the many departments that make up the overall navigation of the Ship of Fools.
The waves are still pounding on the shore here about having, or removing, the "Washington Roast" section in our monthly print magazine. Damned if you do, damned if you don't problem. So rather than paddle around in circles, because sharks ate one of my oars, we decided to sink the boat, in other words, give that section the deep six. My intentions are not to have our crew flogged or our readers jumping overboard. This is a ship of fools, more or less, and the cruise we are on together, is intended for everybody onboard to have smooth sail.
With that as the main mission, we searched out the best new member of the crew, to fill the void and signed on with Will Rogers. Will's humor and his way of looking at the world around him, has made him a classic, well after his passing. We are all proud to be able to replace the current political hog-wash, with writings that prove that nothing has really changed much in Washington D.C. and in government in general. This is by far the best we can do and we hope this puts us back on course.
I couldn’t believe it when I read your “Readers come first…..” article. Glad I spent the 4 bucks after all. (I was ready to call it quits) I agree 100% with the first 2 letters...Find one of you original papers, lay them side by side, and go back to basics. You HAD a good thing. Lately, I’d sooner use the 4 $ for toilet paper or my wife’s Better Homes and Garden. Please help. - Rick Lindbeck
Besides reports on the progress of our sailboat undergoing a full dry dock makeover, there are entries reporting on life as an UP North Rider.
A model train layout called “The Porcupine Valley” is also on report. On the business end of things this Blog will serve as a lifejacket for the Porcupine Press/UPMagazine readers to keep their heads above water on what we are doing and we will keep an eye out for our readers calls for help.
Toivo and Eino will also be using this forum to keep everybody up to speed on the latest news relating to the Porcupine Press’ 21st Birthday Bash – stay tuned to this spot – it’s the best we got!
Hi all,: Michigan Congressional District 1
Jeezo Peetzos, I hope we can make a dent in some of the thick skulls that live up here. I am a Traverse City, MI transplant, a Troll, as the locals say. I am disgusted with the way our Government is operating, as if we weren't even in existence. It is time to kick some sand and demand some recognition of OUR needs and wishes. I am disgusted with the PORK windfalls and the vote buying. The only time my little town even gets recognized and listened to is as an afterthought at election time. It's not a pleasant picture when all the PORK is put on display at once as a giant vote puller. I wrote my local "newspaper" recently and made a huge bid to show my fellow Americans in my town how bad the Healthcare Bill and the coming Cap and Trade Bill are. I got a response from our Representative (most likely his staff of hard of hearing people) that slammed me and my letter into the next county. I bit my teeth and wrote back a response, but it surpassed the 900 words the Editor would allow for a response. Then, my next thought was to just say: "You can pee in my face, but don't tell me it's raining!" The Editor would have printed that response, but I declined to get that far into the gutter-- :(( On second thoughts, I should have done it. - Becky Miles
Dear Editor,
I enjoy the creative Porcupine Press articles, jokes etc. but the one for me is nostalgia and the articles on White Deer Lake & the McCormicks Trail. As a teenager from Ishpeming I was a good friend of B. Tonkin whose father was the supervisor of McCormicks many years. He and I worked there during the summers clearing trails, repairing bridges etc. on the old trails. It was a great job. Room & board & $75.00 a month! Food was fantastic & we had our fill besides being able to use the boats & canoes before work hours! A great life for a teenager!
Thomas Hughes all the way from San Antonia, TX
Please let the Captain know that I thoroughly enjoy reading his magazine and my old issues are passed around to other inmates who cannot afford to purchase a subscription. The comic relief you provide is invaluable and we learn something along the way to! (Through other articles). I will say that I enjoyed the “Washington Roast” for what it was, although it may have been a little extreme. I sincerely appreciate the publication and plan to continue subscribing. Thank You!!
Andrew - Michigan
Subject: change in magazine content
We want to let you know that we are very disappointed that you knuckled under and removed your political commentary. We consider ourselves part of the once totally silent majority. We have no time to march on Washington or picket the State Capital because we are busy working and paying too much of our earnings to the wasteful state and federal bloated bureaucracies. We were very happy to see you speaking out for those like us. What about the issues of the P.P. sent to the White House? Do you want the president to think that he's persuaded you to think like him? We're surprised that you were influenced by someone who called you a racist for criticizing the president.
We still look forward to the P. Press every month and will definitely continue to read it. But we'd love it if your original content mix returned.
B & M • Eastern U.P.
Subject: UP Mag., vol. 21, #2 page 14
I came upon your article "God and Science." At first, the article seemed to be quoting Boethius, a 5th century philosopher, who wrote "The Consolations of Philosophy," while he awaited his execution. In that work, he personifies philosophy, making her a Wisdom figure.
Philosophy asks him: "Can God do anything?" (Your very words)
Boethius: "Yes."
Philosophy: "Can God do evil?"
Boethius: "Obviously not."
Philosophy: "If God can do anything, but cannot do evil, then it follows that evil does not exist."
And, there is a sense in which that is true. I've known a few Nazi collaborators. Each of them more evil than the other. Each of them so negative their very lives were a misery to them. Constant negativity feeds upon itself, and nothing else. It wars against reality, because: In the End, it is that Man on the donkey, coming into Jerusalem, in about AD 33 (give or take a few years), who wins.
Father Andrew L. J. James, Ph.D.
All Saints of America Orthodox Christian Community
PO Box 21 • Comins, MI 48619 (989) 848-5757
Dear Captain,
Sorry to loose the "Washington Roast". I looked forward to it. Glen Beck is very insightful, and a great Patriot.
It is a sad day to see the U.P. Magazine silenced by political correctness and the dealing of the "Race Card." What next???
The end of a classic!
R.E. O'Donnell - U.S. CG-Master
Marathon, Florida
Chocolay Township VS Lakenenland Sculpture Park. The Purpose of this letter is to try to end or at least bring a little awareness to the ongoing struggle I've had with Chocolay Township in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. For those who have never been to or heard of Lakenenland let me first explain what it is. Lakenenland is a 37 acre parcel of land 15 miles east of Marquette, MI in the Township of Chocolay. I purchased it in September of 2003 with the sole purpose of building a sculpture park. Currently I have a trail thru the property with approximately 80 iron sculptures, built 2 ponds and had them stocked with perch and bluegill for kids to fish. Also allowing the Chocolay Township Fire Dept. to install a "dry hydrant" on the property for water in an emergency. Snowmobile Trail #417 runs thru the middle of the property where I built a lean-to shelter and fire pit with plenty of firewood each year for anybody visiting in the winter. I finished a band shell in August 2009 with hope that someday somebody would use it.
I have had nothing but grief from the Chocolay Township officials. They have threatened me with: tickets for a sign on my property, tickets for a Health Dept. approved outhouse, tickets for a DNR approved unattended fire in the middle of winter with snow cover, tickets if I allowed any camping. They denied my Freedom of Information Act request for any correspondence or public complaints. They asked for a legal easement to access the Dry Hydrant. I agreed so they would never hesitate to get water in an emergency. They drew up a perpetual easement for my entire 37 acre parcel to access the hydrant 138' off the highway. Needless to say they are still welcome to get water but no legal easement. Now they are revoking my previously issued permit for the band shell reason being, zoning changes, permit was issued in error. When is their madness going to stop? I have "always" obtained permits as required and never tried to skirt any regulations. Chocolay Township needs to realize this park is for the pure enjoyment of the public and not built to give them an ongoing irritation. I wonder if there are any other townships that would like to have a sculpture park? I'm tired of Chocolay Township's games.
Tom Lakenen, Lakenenland. com Chocolay Township
Thank you for not printing your political views any more. If I had not read the last letters I would have cancelled my subscription.
Lynn from Mt. Pleasant, MI
I want to thank you for your thoughtfulness. I wrote on my renewal I was unable to continue my subscription 'cause I have been laid off since April of 09. You responded by mail you would continue my subscription for the next year at no charge. I really appreciate that. Very few, if any businesses would do that. Thank you☺.
Tried to do a refinance on my truck to make payments a little easier, but the credit union won't budge unless I'm working. I've really tried looking for work, but at 61 I feel companies are not hiring me for that reason. Oh, I know they can't say so, but I feel that's why. I have over 40 years as a toolmaker / machinist, so it's not like I can't do the job. I'll keep tryin' though.
What really sold me on the UP Magazine was, years ago while sitting in Barb's Cafe in Florence, WI, I was reading your one liners on the bottom of the page and it read, " Does a one legged duck swim in circle". It took a few seconds for it to sink in and picture that, then I bust out laughing. It was really funny. I always stop at Barb's for breakfast every morning while I'm up hunting during bow season. I haven't been able hunt due to my current situation.
And just a comment about the people who can't handle the political things in your magazine, "Get over it". It was ok for all the news media to bash Bush and other republican persons, but say something about the democrats or our loser president and they start whining. I have a brother who voted for him, we don't talk much any more and he really hates it when I email him anything derogatory about Obama.
Well anyway, thank you again for your thoughtfulness. It's good to know there are people out there who do care about others. I'm a Vietnam Veteran, and I donate blood as often as they let me. My small way of honoring Our Lord who gave His blood to save us.
God Bless, Dave
Mike. I am a first time contact to you and read the letters to the Capt'. As an independent AMERICAN I can feel an anti Dem overtone in the mag. It's your mag and thats fine, but you have done something that is unwise as a business owner. I too own a business and I make it a point not to discuss politics with my clients even when they bring it up. The last election taught me something. After an AMERICAN election we are suppose to be AMERICANS not dems and reps. But I witnessed the childish behavior of the Reps. to be the party of NO on every decision of the new administration. It struck me how set they are on their agenda and it looks terrible. Whenever the election is over it should be our duty as citizens to not complain but work hard for the better. But no we get Palin slamming her own party Going Rogue and then the other party with her comments like (how's that changy thing work'n for ya). This woman is so unintelligent she sounds like she is narrating her own acid trip. And reading notes from her hand takes the cake. Tell her, think about how people perceive you (as a high school test taker). I just wish we as voters had a third party to vote for that wasn't paid off by lobbyists. The way the Republican party has put words in the voters mouths is wrong. I.E. I (am pro life) but think a woman's body is hers as well as the baby she carries. I am conservative and don't believe in free hand outs but yet still have a conscience. So don't tell me I'm Liberal when I am not, and don't say you are (self proclaimed) pro life and I am not. Don't say only you believe in intelligent design. I went to a town hall meeting to learn, and saw Republicans yelling like little kids. It is a shame we can't write political humor without political overtones. Damn it man I like your magazine. I don't want to say don't have the Roast section. But always remember you are a journalist not a politician. Saturday night live would not be where it is today without political satire. Why do I say satire? Because thats what is is… It's taking a small topic or area of discussion and blowing it WWAAAYYY out of proportion. That's why it's funny. SNL...Like the Nixon tape recordings with Dan Akroyd. Or Ross Perot riding Chris Farley like a pig. That's some funny stuff. I think the PPP would do well in this direction… Thanks for your ear Mike Best regards.
P.S. The context of this is for Mike Van Den Branden. You may publish the contents if you wish WITHOUT MY NAME PLEASE I do not wish to have my families name in the papers . Thank You for your respect.
Hi Mike,
First things first, love your magazine!
But I am sad to see you dropping the Washington Roast. It was nice to receive a magazine that was not one big sloppy kiss after another to the Obama family. I did enjoy reading what readers had to say. Sadly, Grady Pinner is a person who cannot simply skip the articles he does not agree with but instead has to call you a racist. Very sad indeed since he did so much for our country by serving in WW11.
Keep up the good work.
Kay Mayer, Lomira, WI
Margaret Flanagan writes from Redgranite, WI:
I am disappointed with your decision to remove the Washington Roast section from your magazine. I liked reading it. I am willing to bet there are more people who liked it than didn’t. If those folks didn’t like it, they didn’t have to read it. Nor do they have to listen to or watch something they don’t agree with.
I’m sure their T.V.s and radios have off buttons. Just because they don’t like it means those of us who do like it can’t have it.
I’m not going to threaten to cancel my subscription.
Robert Twa, from Spring Lake, MI
My UP Magazine source (2nd hand) said that he vacated his subscription because you raised the rates to $44.00 - what happened? Did the Capt. run the “Manana” aground on the North Reef on Beaver Island? Or did his navigator get soused? Need a GPs?
Anyway, I NEED a subscription my FIRST.
Linda from Illinois writes,
What is wrong with all of us?
Before 9-11 struck us, all I ever heard on the radio were people complaining about neighbors and just whining about everything. I thought my gosh, is this all we have to do in this country is complain and sue everyone and everybody for a hairpinned reason and get away with it - when will the whining stop?
Then something horrible happened to us fine Americans the ~ big 9-11 came and hit us hard. Suddenly we all pulled together; we all stuck together and we all became scared like little children and we learned “Hey we are all we have and we better all get along because no one else will help us!” I hate to say it but for once the whining stopped the bitching and frivolous suing stopped. I wondered how long it would take before we Americans start our whining again?
To be exact it was about 3 months and then the talk shows were back to the audiences and we were back in our baby cribs whining and crying.
Listen up folks, if you don’t like it, don’t look at it and yes, turn off the damn T.V. and get outside and enjoy something for a change!
Porky content reply - We just received the latest issue of Porky, and I was (pleasantly) surprised to see your quick response to the comments regarding the political content in previous issues. It's good to have the old Porky back. We love the humor and the stories and we appreciate that you want to honor our military servicemen and women. Thanks so much for really listening.
Dave and Donna Berndt, Indiana
Captain, Captain, My Captain:
I was dismayed at the change of your format.
What is happening to our rights of freedom of the Press and freedom of Speech? If you watch Glen Beck you know that the left is told to “bully” their opinion and that’s what they’ve done to you – and me.
From what I’ve heard about the tone of their letters to you, it was far beyond whinning, oh wait, I just re-read your article “bitching”. This shows you who these people really are.
They call the truth a lie.
If I find a piece in your wonderful magazine I don’t like or care for, I just don’t read it and move on.
Now, if your entire venue were against my opinion then of course I would avoid it, like some religious publications I’m aware of. But other material I receive basically agrees with my convictions, and an article here and there that I disagree with doesn’t cause me to throw the baby out with the bath water.
I didn’t always agree with Mark Farner 100% (and I know him) but you just have to let other people have their say, like it or not, it’s supposed to be a free country.
If you don’t tell the truth as you see it, who will? We are going to be silenced one voice at a time and the only ones happy will be the folks lock stepping us away from the polls.
To him who knows to do what is right and doesn’t do it, it is wrong.
Don’t let these people strong-arm you into not sounding the alarm of truth.
If your boat was sinking and Robin knew it and didn’t tell you, who would you be upset at it?
There a lot of people that don’t know where this country is headed, and you may be the only voice they hear, and I know that voice is the voice of a patriot.
The voice of Captain, Captain, my Captain,
Your faithful Supporter, Michael Watters - Bellaire, MI
P.S. Prophets are Never Popular!!
Subject: roasting - Capt, As a former yooper resident (once a yooper, always a yooper - right?) I now live in Alabama but really enjoy my ties to der homeland via Porcupine Press.
Sometimes I did just what you suggest and skip the sideways printed stuff or saved it for that rainy day when I had nothing else to read.
Not that I disagreed with the content, the other stuff was usually more entertaining to read. I am a conservative right-wing nut job and no apology about it. But I will defend the rights of anyone to speak their mind no matter how ignorant they my sound.
Also I will respect any business for making a business decision. We made some decisions in my own business and customers have called and wondered "why" and "how can you do this?" but in the end, we are a for-profit company and that means making decisions that will mean making profits (some day anyway).
So I write you to say, "Why" and "How can you do this?" I won't change my reading habits and will continue to recommend the magazine. I do not currently have a subscription but that is a financial decision not an editorial decision so hopefully within this year I will be able to renew. Keep up the good work and as far as content, I actually enjoy the sections like "Superior Heartland", stories of steam boat travel, hunting camp stories, stupid criminals, personal interest stuff, etc. more than the sideways section.
Warm wishes from the not warm enough south.
Doug Allen CEC
Birthplace: Wakefield MI 2/22/52
There won’t be a renewal! Your “humor” magazine turned into your version of politics.
I was using you magazine as Christmas presents for three others-so, you have lost 4 all together!
Dale Rossow - Ira, MI
I love you mag. I pass it on & tell folks it is a “must have!”
D. Bryan - Sandusky, MI
To: Subscription chief!
From: Me
Subject, early demise of my subscription. Back B4 your jump in prices I am sure I put in for a 2 year subscription. My note card showed I was good to go through Dec. of 2010. However, I cannot find proof of this. Please check.
Tell the chief that I miss the “Washington” comments. The truth does hurt the Whiners, but that’s how they work to shut you down. I may cancel –
Glen Hubbard - Waterford, WI
Well guys, (and Gals) - After 7-8 years of loving the Porky and turning many people your way, I just can’t give you $44 bucks. My Field and Stream cost me $14.
I know how good you are and I appreciate the laughs. But I have to take a year off. (From you, not from laughing).
I’ll miss you.
Bill Bagley - Traverse City, MI
Porcupine Express - I just love the politics, the recipes the jokes and the overall variety of this great entertaining and informative magazine.
Politics and religion are great topics for conversation, debates & discussions. Otherwise, folks just sit around and talk about their neighbors ore in-laws etc.
Keep the politics in. Sometimes we get the gov’t we deserve because lack of knowledge – Guess you can say, “We have the best gov’t money can buy.” What a joke.
Thanks Guys, Diana Harmon - aka Lady Di
Sorry, As long as you knock Pres. Obama & are getting political - I will not subscribe.
Thank You. It's been fun.
Oconto, WI
Dear Mr. Van Den Branden: Our entire family enjoys your monthly humor tabloid, and we have for several years. It is by far and away the most popular publication I put out in my waiting room ( I am a surgeon), as it the most read and most often stolen. I respect your decision to eliminate the Washington Roast section, but I thought it was entertaining. I find Glenn Beck entertaining, and I find Jon Stewart entertaining. There is a spectrum of interests in our the wide American society, and you can't please everyone all of the time, even when your mother tells you to do so. You don't have to agree with ANYONE on some issues, and that doesn't make you a racist. One of the nice things about a newsprint newspaper is that one can read some of it, skip over some stories, and read the ones of personal interest. THAT's what we like about the Porcupine, there is a little of something in there for everyone. I have always taken your paper to be about the UP and the way you all look at life, it's your newpaper written for people who know the UP. You don't have to be politically correct, you don't have to appeal to the national audience. Presumably you do have to worry about your sales!
We don't think that you are right-wing nut jobs, nor do we think you are racists. We don't think you are left wing moon-bat koolaid drinkers, either. You all do seem to enjoy your work, and have fun publishing your paper. Please keep up the good work.
By the way, my youngest son Sam tells me that the axiom appearing at the bottom of page 2, vol 21:2 is actually his joke. He believes that he thought this one up, and that it has been spread by word of mouth throughout the state, until it reached you!
Sincerely, Paul, Olga, Gabe, Tamar, Sam Friedman
Friedman Surgical #23939
Subject: Right wing politics - We won't be renewing your magazine because of your politics. I don't need to listen to Glen Beck or the rest of your propaganda. The magazine was funny until you started this stuff. I guess you are a racist also and can't stand to have an intelligent President and not someone like Bush and Cheney. My family is from the U.P. ( Calumet) and they are not racists or Glen Beck lovers. Thank Heavens
Re: leaning left? - Say it isn't so Captain, caving in to the liberal minority because they may be upset to see reality in print form! I thought freedom of speech applied to everyone? Sure I can get my share of over the top journalism from a variety of networks expressing any view you wish to follow but I would never try to dictate the content to suit my beliefs or ideology. I subscribed to your periodical because of it's content and your style of saying what you thought was funny, politically correct, morally wrong, or insulting to the the majority of Americans without worrying that some one might get a little upset with you. As a Captain steers the ship , the Editor has to steer the magazine. Heres hoping you get back on course. Your readers will stick with you and support you I am sure!
Thanks for listening, M.Scheid
Re: they start bitching we listen! - Mike, I don't know the volume of mail you received, but changing because a few people bitch is a pet peeve of mine. In this issue for instance there are several things that could offend certain people: page 7 Bad mouthing bankers , they could be offended by being called blood suckers; page 14 atheists could be offended by God vs Science article; page 15 man outlined with beer bottles could offend alcoholics trying to recover; page 17 tattooed lady could be offending, belittling women and using them as a sex objects; page 19 woman pulling a plow again belittling women; page 37 trapping really offends PETA people. page 42 the Tiger Woods thing could offend right to life people; page 44 Very bad! babies looking like the were drunk with beer bottles spread around them MADD should be offended about that ( there was a big thing on TV showing a baby with a cigarette in it's mouth that have the social workers all upset); page 79 poking fun of blondes, that could really damage their self esteem! And this is only glancing through this issue, I just got it a few hours ago. People who don't like certain articles should just ignore and not read them. Some people wake up in the morning knowing that they are going to bitch, they just don't know what about yet. Besides if you would poll your subscribers you would probably find that 95% of them aren't liberals. The 92 year old guy thinks people who are against health care are raciest, not because Obama is trying to ruin our country! Besides, at 92 he isn't going to subscribe much longer anyway. I'm a 68 year old Vietnam Vet and I have to show ID to buy beer because some old bags want everyone to be checked, and I sure as hell don't look underage. People should just lighten up a little and just worry about themselves. Fred Giesler Sr. Two Rivers Wi. P.S. I.m sure you have seen this before but: If a conservative doesn't like guns he doesn't buy one, if a liberal doesn't like guns , he wants them all outlawed. If a conservative wants to be a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal wants to be a vegetarian, he wants meat products banned for everyone. If a conservative want to be a homosexual, he quietly lives his life. If a liberal wants to be a homosexual , he demands legislated respect. If a conservative is down and out, he thinks how to better his situation. If a liberal is down and out, he wonders who is going to take care of him. If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he changes the channel. Liberal demands that the show be shut down. If a conservative is a non-believer he doesn't go to church. A liberal a non-believer wants ant mention of God religion silenced. If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes shopping for it, or chooses a job that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for it! GOOD LUCK!! Fred A Giesler
Washington Roast - Dear Mike, I always enjoy reading The Porcupine Press. I started years ago, when going up to the U.P. 4 or 5 times a year I would pick up a copy.
Some time ago I stared my subscription so I would not miss a copy. We always enjoyed the funny articles and story's of the great north. The Washington Roast section added to the enjoyment.
Yesterday I received my latest copy, and come to find out you have removed the Washington Roast just because a few left wingers (Fox hating, Obama loving socialist) threatening to drop there subscriptions. Can this be true? Is the "UP Magazine" turning into a regular left wing propaganda paper for the Democratic party, just like every other paper in this country?
I will be watching, and I may have to drop my subscription if this becomes true!!
Respectfully, Jeff and Joan Johnson
Buchanan, Michigan
Re: Disappointment - Your decision to bow to the complaints of a couple of left wing nuts is at best very disappointing. This is a tactic they use whenever someone voices opposition or makes fun of their agenda. Cry discrimination.
Their statements that they can get the same slant on news in the state controlled media is comical. The Washington Roast section was one of the best parts of your tabloid, and with the way Washington continues to screw everything up, a consistent source of timely topics.
So you have allowed the liberals to take some of the humor out of your magazine. It is now politically correct, however at the cost of your uniqueness. You're made it BORING.
I've read the Porky Press for years and was elated that my wife gave me a subscription as a Christmas present. Next year I'm going back to socks and underwear.
Bruce Schenk • Steven Point, Wisconsin
Re: Way to give in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mike, I am a five year subcriber and was appauled to see the first page of Vol. 21 #2. I always was under the assumption that the capt. and his wife were down to earth people with a sense of humor. Today I was, sadfully proven wrong. How can you run a humor mag. and fold so easily? Today was the last edition I will ever look forward to getting. I am dissappointed that this is a new year and I have paid for this full year.
Please explain to me how you can listen to a man who claims you are racist because you dont think all of the president is doing is right? I did not like all that Bill Clinton or George W. did and I'm white so does that make me racist against my own race, or am I ok because I'm dutch?
The listening of people like that will only eliminate all that you have built. Who knows there maybe alot of people who hate model trains and are going to boycott because of that- are you than going to eliminate that to keep the MINORITY happy? What of the Garlic I see some "God " references- Friar Holy Maki- Out of the Box and my obesity! Where does it all end Mike? I thought this UP Mag was the last Island of resond in this screwed up place we call the U.S.A. but appartently if you squeak people will do all that they can to quiet you.
Mike I truly have never been mad enough to do this til today! I know at least ten others who subscribe and I will be sharing my overwhelming disappointment. My advice-GROW SOME BALLS AND DO WHAT YOU WANT TODO! IT'S YOUR MAG. AND WE ARE JUST FORTUNATE THAT YOU SHARE IT WITH US!
Thanks for your time, besides today I have always loved the UP Mag.
(haven't always agreed-but I have a sense of humor too.)
Thanks for sharing YOUR mag and YOUR sense of humor,
P.S. There was only one thing in there I forgot to plead with you and the crew- please don't go democrat and assume the 21% who oppose reflect the 79% who agree strongly.