Mike. I am a first time contact to you and read the letters to the Capt'. As an independent AMERICAN I can feel an anti Dem overtone in the mag. It's your mag and thats fine, but you have done something that is unwise as a business owner. I too own a business and I make it a point not to discuss politics with my clients even when they bring it up. The last election taught me something. After an AMERICAN election we are suppose to be AMERICANS not dems and reps. But I witnessed the childish behavior of the Reps. to be the party of NO on every decision of the new administration. It struck me how set they are on their agenda and it looks terrible. Whenever the election is over it should be our duty as citizens to not complain but work hard for the better. But no we get Palin slamming her own party Going Rogue and then the other party with her comments like (how's that changy thing work'n for ya). This woman is so unintelligent she sounds like she is narrating her own acid trip. And reading notes from her hand takes the cake. Tell her, think about how people perceive you (as a high school test taker). I just wish we as voters had a third party to vote for that wasn't paid off by lobbyists. The way the Republican party has put words in the voters mouths is wrong. I.E. I (am pro life) but think a woman's body is hers as well as the baby she carries. I am conservative and don't believe in free hand outs but yet still have a conscience. So don't tell me I'm Liberal when I am not, and don't say you are (self proclaimed) pro life and I am not. Don't say only you believe in intelligent design. I went to a town hall meeting to learn, and saw Republicans yelling like little kids. It is a shame we can't write political humor without political overtones. Damn it man I like your magazine. I don't want to say don't have the Roast section. But always remember you are a journalist not a politician. Saturday night live would not be where it is today without political satire. Why do I say satire? Because thats what is is… It's taking a small topic or area of discussion and blowing it WWAAAYYY out of proportion. That's why it's funny. SNL...Like the Nixon tape recordings with Dan Akroyd. Or Ross Perot riding Chris Farley like a pig. That's some funny stuff. I think the PPP would do well in this direction… Thanks for your ear Mike Best regards.
P.S. The context of this is for Mike Van Den Branden. You may publish the contents if you wish WITHOUT MY NAME PLEASE I do not wish to have my families name in the papers . Thank You for your respect.
Hi Mike,
First things first, love your magazine!
But I am sad to see you dropping the Washington Roast. It was nice to receive a magazine that was not one big sloppy kiss after another to the Obama family. I did enjoy reading what readers had to say. Sadly, Grady Pinner is a person who cannot simply skip the articles he does not agree with but instead has to call you a racist. Very sad indeed since he did so much for our country by serving in WW11.
Keep up the good work.
Kay Mayer, Lomira, WI
Margaret Flanagan writes from Redgranite, WI:
I am disappointed with your decision to remove the Washington Roast section from your magazine. I liked reading it. I am willing to bet there are more people who liked it than didn’t. If those folks didn’t like it, they didn’t have to read it. Nor do they have to listen to or watch something they don’t agree with.
I’m sure their T.V.s and radios have off buttons. Just because they don’t like it means those of us who do like it can’t have it.
I’m not going to threaten to cancel my subscription.
Robert Twa, from Spring Lake, MI
My UP Magazine source (2nd hand) said that he vacated his subscription because you raised the rates to $44.00 - what happened? Did the Capt. run the “Manana” aground on the North Reef on Beaver Island? Or did his navigator get soused? Need a GPs?
Anyway, I NEED a subscription my FIRST.
Linda from Illinois writes,
What is wrong with all of us?
Before 9-11 struck us, all I ever heard on the radio were people complaining about neighbors and just whining about everything. I thought my gosh, is this all we have to do in this country is complain and sue everyone and everybody for a hairpinned reason and get away with it - when will the whining stop?
Then something horrible happened to us fine Americans the ~ big 9-11 came and hit us hard. Suddenly we all pulled together; we all stuck together and we all became scared like little children and we learned “Hey we are all we have and we better all get along because no one else will help us!” I hate to say it but for once the whining stopped the bitching and frivolous suing stopped. I wondered how long it would take before we Americans start our whining again?
To be exact it was about 3 months and then the talk shows were back to the audiences and we were back in our baby cribs whining and crying.
Listen up folks, if you don’t like it, don’t look at it and yes, turn off the damn T.V. and get outside and enjoy something for a change!
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