Porky content reply - We just received the latest issue of Porky, and I was (pleasantly) surprised to see your quick response to the comments regarding the political content in previous issues. It's good to have the old Porky back. We love the humor and the stories and we appreciate that you want to honor our military servicemen and women. Thanks so much for really listening.
Dave and Donna Berndt, Indiana
Captain, Captain, My Captain:
I was dismayed at the change of your format.
What is happening to our rights of freedom of the Press and freedom of Speech? If you watch Glen Beck you know that the left is told to “bully” their opinion and that’s what they’ve done to you – and me.
From what I’ve heard about the tone of their letters to you, it was far beyond whinning, oh wait, I just re-read your article “bitching”. This shows you who these people really are.
They call the truth a lie.
If I find a piece in your wonderful magazine I don’t like or care for, I just don’t read it and move on.
Now, if your entire venue were against my opinion then of course I would avoid it, like some religious publications I’m aware of. But other material I receive basically agrees with my convictions, and an article here and there that I disagree with doesn’t cause me to throw the baby out with the bath water.
I didn’t always agree with Mark Farner 100% (and I know him) but you just have to let other people have their say, like it or not, it’s supposed to be a free country.
If you don’t tell the truth as you see it, who will? We are going to be silenced one voice at a time and the only ones happy will be the folks lock stepping us away from the polls.
To him who knows to do what is right and doesn’t do it, it is wrong.
Don’t let these people strong-arm you into not sounding the alarm of truth.
If your boat was sinking and Robin knew it and didn’t tell you, who would you be upset at it?
There a lot of people that don’t know where this country is headed, and you may be the only voice they hear, and I know that voice is the voice of a patriot.
The voice of Captain, Captain, my Captain,
Your faithful Supporter, Michael Watters - Bellaire, MI
P.S. Prophets are Never Popular!!
Subject: roasting - Capt, As a former yooper resident (once a yooper, always a yooper - right?) I now live in Alabama but really enjoy my ties to der homeland via Porcupine Press.
Sometimes I did just what you suggest and skip the sideways printed stuff or saved it for that rainy day when I had nothing else to read.
Not that I disagreed with the content, the other stuff was usually more entertaining to read. I am a conservative right-wing nut job and no apology about it. But I will defend the rights of anyone to speak their mind no matter how ignorant they my sound.
Also I will respect any business for making a business decision. We made some decisions in my own business and customers have called and wondered "why" and "how can you do this?" but in the end, we are a for-profit company and that means making decisions that will mean making profits (some day anyway).
So I write you to say, "Why" and "How can you do this?" I won't change my reading habits and will continue to recommend the magazine. I do not currently have a subscription but that is a financial decision not an editorial decision so hopefully within this year I will be able to renew. Keep up the good work and as far as content, I actually enjoy the sections like "Superior Heartland", stories of steam boat travel, hunting camp stories, stupid criminals, personal interest stuff, etc. more than the sideways section.
Warm wishes from the not warm enough south.
Doug Allen CEC
Birthplace: Wakefield MI 2/22/52
There won’t be a renewal! Your “humor” magazine turned into your version of politics.
I was using you magazine as Christmas presents for three others-so, you have lost 4 all together!
Dale Rossow - Ira, MI
I love you mag. I pass it on & tell folks it is a “must have!”
D. Bryan - Sandusky, MI
To: Subscription chief!
From: Me
Subject, early demise of my subscription. Back B4 your jump in prices I am sure I put in for a 2 year subscription. My note card showed I was good to go through Dec. of 2010. However, I cannot find proof of this. Please check.
Tell the chief that I miss the “Washington” comments. The truth does hurt the Whiners, but that’s how they work to shut you down. I may cancel –
Glen Hubbard - Waterford, WI
Well guys, (and Gals) - After 7-8 years of loving the Porky and turning many people your way, I just can’t give you $44 bucks. My Field and Stream cost me $14.
I know how good you are and I appreciate the laughs. But I have to take a year off. (From you, not from laughing).
I’ll miss you.
Bill Bagley - Traverse City, MI
Porcupine Express - I just love the politics, the recipes the jokes and the overall variety of this great entertaining and informative magazine.
Politics and religion are great topics for conversation, debates & discussions. Otherwise, folks just sit around and talk about their neighbors ore in-laws etc.
Keep the politics in. Sometimes we get the gov’t we deserve because lack of knowledge – Guess you can say, “We have the best gov’t money can buy.” What a joke.
Thanks Guys, Diana Harmon - aka Lady Di
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