Dear Editor,
I enjoy the creative Porcupine Press articles, jokes etc. but the one for me is nostalgia and the articles on White Deer Lake & the McCormicks Trail. As a teenager from Ishpeming I was a good friend of B. Tonkin whose father was the supervisor of McCormicks many years. He and I worked there during the summers clearing trails, repairing bridges etc. on the old trails. It was a great job. Room & board & $75.00 a month! Food was fantastic & we had our fill besides being able to use the boats & canoes before work hours! A great life for a teenager!
Thomas Hughes all the way from San Antonia, TX
Please let the Captain know that I thoroughly enjoy reading his magazine and my old issues are passed around to other inmates who cannot afford to purchase a subscription. The comic relief you provide is invaluable and we learn something along the way to! (Through other articles). I will say that I enjoyed the “Washington Roast” for what it was, although it may have been a little extreme. I sincerely appreciate the publication and plan to continue subscribing. Thank You!!
Andrew - Michigan
Subject: change in magazine content
We want to let you know that we are very disappointed that you knuckled under and removed your political commentary. We consider ourselves part of the once totally silent majority. We have no time to march on Washington or picket the State Capital because we are busy working and paying too much of our earnings to the wasteful state and federal bloated bureaucracies. We were very happy to see you speaking out for those like us. What about the issues of the P.P. sent to the White House? Do you want the president to think that he's persuaded you to think like him? We're surprised that you were influenced by someone who called you a racist for criticizing the president.
We still look forward to the P. Press every month and will definitely continue to read it. But we'd love it if your original content mix returned.
B & M • Eastern U.P.
Subject: UP Mag., vol. 21, #2 page 14
I came upon your article "God and Science." At first, the article seemed to be quoting Boethius, a 5th century philosopher, who wrote "The Consolations of Philosophy," while he awaited his execution. In that work, he personifies philosophy, making her a Wisdom figure.
Philosophy asks him: "Can God do anything?" (Your very words)
Boethius: "Yes."
Philosophy: "Can God do evil?"
Boethius: "Obviously not."
Philosophy: "If God can do anything, but cannot do evil, then it follows that evil does not exist."
And, there is a sense in which that is true. I've known a few Nazi collaborators. Each of them more evil than the other. Each of them so negative their very lives were a misery to them. Constant negativity feeds upon itself, and nothing else. It wars against reality, because: In the End, it is that Man on the donkey, coming into Jerusalem, in about AD 33 (give or take a few years), who wins.
Father Andrew L. J. James, Ph.D.
All Saints of America Orthodox Christian Community
PO Box 21 • Comins, MI 48619 (989) 848-5757
Dear Captain,
Sorry to loose the "Washington Roast". I looked forward to it. Glen Beck is very insightful, and a great Patriot.
It is a sad day to see the U.P. Magazine silenced by political correctness and the dealing of the "Race Card." What next???
The end of a classic!
R.E. O'Donnell - U.S. CG-Master
Marathon, Florida
Chocolay Township VS Lakenenland Sculpture Park. The Purpose of this letter is to try to end or at least bring a little awareness to the ongoing struggle I've had with Chocolay Township in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. For those who have never been to or heard of Lakenenland let me first explain what it is. Lakenenland is a 37 acre parcel of land 15 miles east of Marquette, MI in the Township of Chocolay. I purchased it in September of 2003 with the sole purpose of building a sculpture park. Currently I have a trail thru the property with approximately 80 iron sculptures, built 2 ponds and had them stocked with perch and bluegill for kids to fish. Also allowing the Chocolay Township Fire Dept. to install a "dry hydrant" on the property for water in an emergency. Snowmobile Trail #417 runs thru the middle of the property where I built a lean-to shelter and fire pit with plenty of firewood each year for anybody visiting in the winter. I finished a band shell in August 2009 with hope that someday somebody would use it.
I have had nothing but grief from the Chocolay Township officials. They have threatened me with: tickets for a sign on my property, tickets for a Health Dept. approved outhouse, tickets for a DNR approved unattended fire in the middle of winter with snow cover, tickets if I allowed any camping. They denied my Freedom of Information Act request for any correspondence or public complaints. They asked for a legal easement to access the Dry Hydrant. I agreed so they would never hesitate to get water in an emergency. They drew up a perpetual easement for my entire 37 acre parcel to access the hydrant 138' off the highway. Needless to say they are still welcome to get water but no legal easement. Now they are revoking my previously issued permit for the band shell reason being, zoning changes, permit was issued in error. When is their madness going to stop? I have "always" obtained permits as required and never tried to skirt any regulations. Chocolay Township needs to realize this park is for the pure enjoyment of the public and not built to give them an ongoing irritation. I wonder if there are any other townships that would like to have a sculpture park? I'm tired of Chocolay Township's games.
Tom Lakenen, Lakenenland. com Chocolay Township
Thank you for not printing your political views any more. If I had not read the last letters I would have cancelled my subscription.
Lynn from Mt. Pleasant, MI
I want to thank you for your thoughtfulness. I wrote on my renewal I was unable to continue my subscription 'cause I have been laid off since April of 09. You responded by mail you would continue my subscription for the next year at no charge. I really appreciate that. Very few, if any businesses would do that. Thank you☺.
Tried to do a refinance on my truck to make payments a little easier, but the credit union won't budge unless I'm working. I've really tried looking for work, but at 61 I feel companies are not hiring me for that reason. Oh, I know they can't say so, but I feel that's why. I have over 40 years as a toolmaker / machinist, so it's not like I can't do the job. I'll keep tryin' though.
What really sold me on the UP Magazine was, years ago while sitting in Barb's Cafe in Florence, WI, I was reading your one liners on the bottom of the page and it read, " Does a one legged duck swim in circle". It took a few seconds for it to sink in and picture that, then I bust out laughing. It was really funny. I always stop at Barb's for breakfast every morning while I'm up hunting during bow season. I haven't been able hunt due to my current situation.
And just a comment about the people who can't handle the political things in your magazine, "Get over it". It was ok for all the news media to bash Bush and other republican persons, but say something about the democrats or our loser president and they start whining. I have a brother who voted for him, we don't talk much any more and he really hates it when I email him anything derogatory about Obama.
Well anyway, thank you again for your thoughtfulness. It's good to know there are people out there who do care about others. I'm a Vietnam Veteran, and I donate blood as often as they let me. My small way of honoring Our Lord who gave His blood to save us.
God Bless, Dave
Father, regarding your recent letter to Biblical Archaeological Review on the origin of the universe, please review the recent article on obtaining light from nothing. (You have to shake that nothing really hard and, when you do, behold, photons appear!)
In the beginning God said...
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