I can't believe that a major metropolitan paper like the LA Times would
publish drivel like your distortion-laden column I had the misfortune to
read today. The citizens of Arizona passed a law that makes it necessary to
prove you are in their state LEGALLY. They are tired of paying TWO BILLION
taxpayer dollars a year in medical and educational benefits to people in
their state ILLEGALLY. They are tired of the Mexican drug traffickers,
kidnappings (389 last year), traffic accidents, and crime caused by ILLEGAL
immigrants in their state. They are tired of citizens of a foreign country
overcrowding and bankrupting their emergency rooms and schools. They have
the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to defend their state when the federal government fails
to do so just like I have the right to put three hollow-points in the
chest of the guy who's trying to kick in my front door when the cops don't
show up.
It has been the law in this country since 1940 that foreign nationals be
able to produce proof that they are here LEGALLY by way of visa, green card,
etc. This "Produce your papers" and the allusions to Nazi Germany is a
bunch of dishonest claptrap. If you took time to read the Arizona law
(assuming you can read English) you would see that police officers may only
inquire as to an individual's immigration status in the course of a "legal
contact". The problem with you and Mexicans like you is the fact that you
have this sense of entitlement that you can enter OUR COUNTRY as you please.
You come from a culture and a country with no respect for the law or the
rule of law. The United States is a sovereign nation with the ABSOLUTE RIGHT
to decide who does and does not enter our country.
What amuses me the most is the fact that if our illegal immigration problem
was due to the influx of SWEDES, you wouldn't have written ONE WORD in the
defense of their rights? It is only because they are Hispanics like you that
you leap to their defense. I find it ironic that you are truer to your
Hispanic roots than you are to your American citizenship, especially since
the Hispanic culture is a broke-dick, busted-ass, ignorant-ass, uneducated,
going-nowhere culture and has been for the last 500 years, and in all
likelihood, will be for the NEXT 500 years.
When I moved to California in 1969, Los Angeles was a clean prosperous city.
Now it's broke under the weight of massive entitlements. Now we need
concertina wire to protect our freeway signs from Hispano-moron graffiti
"artists'. What an enlightened culture you come from that believes that
vandalizing another's property is an art form. Over 400 California families
have lost loved ones to ILLEGAL immigrant murderers. 40% of the criminals
incarcerated in our prisons at CALIFORNIA TAXPAYER EXPENSE, are ILLEGAL
immigrants. Thank you so much for our overcrowded ERs, schools and freeways.
Thanks also for the gangs and the drive-by shootings. In all fairness
though, I like the tacos.
If I want to enter Mexico, France, England, Germany or ANY country on this
earth, I need to produce a passport to do so. It's THEIR COUNTRY and I need
to ask permission to do so. HOW DARE you and your brethren think that they
have some God-given right to flout our laws and come into our country of
their own accord? You and people like you are the textbook example of why
the fewer Mexicans we have in our country, the better our country will be.
We manage to produce a steady supply of home-grown idiots on our own, thank
very much (Exhibit A - Obama) good luck with your boycotts and our protests.
Just remember amigo, 70% of the people in Arizona and 65% of Americans LOVE this law. Every time you put together thousands of protesters, you piss off
MILLIONS of people like me.
Hasta la vista, baby
Tom Edwards