The crew did it again. The next issue is going through the final proof reading and gets sent to the printer Wednesday, the last day of June. July 5th, the major part of the mailing to subscribers will hit the postal system. The next day, those subscribers in Northern Michigan and the U.P. will have their issue deposited into the Gaylord Post office to speed up their delivery. Also on that day we will be starting on the next issue and for us the July issue will be history.
The image above is a teaser showing the cover of the July issue. You might even know who this couple is, that found it was their turn in the barrel and trying to make the best of it. We have to admit, it is the closest thing to a boat we have going for us, so far this year. We are still hoping for a launching of our real boat by the end of July, after a two and a half year rebuild. Latest photos can been seen on the "Manana" Sailboat page on this site.