What has been built appears to be under repair as people are trying to stay here, like us. Many of the promised things are not here or on a much smaller scale than in the dream photos. Of course all the things we were told when we first bought are explained as the reason the salesman we had is no longer here. Ocean Front has some how become Ocean View and when the place gets around to building the next phase, the units would become No View other than the building next door. The multi story parking garage is now only one level, actually ground level, with floor drains higher than the poured cement floor. Went it rains, this parking lot can be used as a wading pool. It appears that they stopped right there, hopefully by the order of some inspector, before the next many layers are allowed to be built.
To handle the fact that we had purchased a Ocean Front one bedroom place and there are no one bedroom places, we have been upgraded to a two bedroom place. Everybody is so sorry for the misunderstanding they are calling it, that they are bending over backwards to solve our problems. Our new contact spells out that we now own a four bedroom condo, which is the whole front of the building on one floor, available every other year - OR - we can use just half of it as a two bedroom unit every year. My first thought was that I would never use any of the place on any year. But it is such a great deal, we were told buy our better than a used car salesman, that we caved it and signed the new papers and planted new dreams in our heads as to how great it is going to be.
Hard to imagine sitting here in the high traffic lobby trying to use my lap top to post this item. This is the only spot that we can use our computers right now. They say that the company that built our building is being sued for all the poor workmanship including the no wiring for the internet. The Starbucks is still only a sign on the door where it is planned to be . . . maybe. At High Tide the massive beach in the photo is all but under water and the pool is only four foot deep on the deepest end. There is more pools to be built, we are told and shown pictures of. We just hope we live long enough to see this happen.
Today we are heading out of this construction zone and see some of the area. Tuesday we had lunch at a great place, we will be writing about for the next print issue, and then got lost in a big Tanger mall.
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