
Today I could get a Master of Arts Degree

Here after all these years of just being tickled pink that I some how got through high school, this Greenwood University accepted my report on my background of work experience and their review board said I was approved for a Master of Arts, with a Major in Mass Media and a Minor in Journalism. Well what do you know, somebody thinks I'm smarter then my ex-wife said I was.

I'm having a real problem getting all excited above getting that e-mail today saying I have earned this Degree. You see, I looked at the wall in my office and I really don't have room to hang another picture frame and I would have to take one of the pictures I really like down. The other problem is what boss do I have, that would be impressed with my new paperwork and if it earned me a raise, that would cost me more money, since I write the checks. I'm not job hunting, since I have a full time job, the same one I have had for twenty one years. At my age I don't see myself wanting to add on another part time job, just because I am supposed to be so much smarter now.

They did not give me a Minor in Math, but when I see that to get my Diploma, I have to give them my credit card information so they can charge me $570.00 for this very important piece of paper, that I really have no idea what I would do with it. I could hang it up in the bathroom, in front of the toilet so every time somebody used it, they could be impressed with my choice of framing for it. Yes, I would have to frame it or pay another $140.00 for their custom frame. Oh yes, plus another $15.00 for postage and handling. Rush shipping would also be extra and if I don't have enough money on hand, they have a payment plan.

I can see why they did not offer me a Minor in Math. If I had that, I would be able to add all this up and get the total cost of this wonderful thing they have done for me. I have decided it would be much cheaper just to go to Wal-mart and buy a full length mirror, then I can stand in front of it and see this guy that just got so much smarter. I'm sure that would be a lot cheaper and bigger than a piece of paper and it would have a good use in the bathroom.

Oh, what could have been, if I just had enough money to throw away. But giving it some real thought, with my Graphic Arts experience I could design my own Diploma on my computer and print it off on the company full color printer for nothing. I think I will still get the mirror as a gift to the staff and tape my homemade Diploma at the eye level of it. That will impress everybody but me, I don't use that bathroom. I use the Executive Rest Room now!


Mollee Branden said...

I'm so proud of you.... congratulations on your profound wisdom of proving those fools that you deserve a DOUBLE minor: Journalism & Math.

Hope to some day get some of those Van Den Branden smarts passed on down to me :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Cap't Mike! You would have so many degrees if they came from real life!!!
Well said Mollee!

MaryJo@IowaTechCafe.com said...

You know, come to think of it, some Van Den Brandens lived in my urban neighborhood when I was growing up in Des Moines, Iowa... would they have been related to you?

Good job in throwing a bucket of cold water at those "higher education" scammers!

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