The action on stage will be starting at noon on Friday with the posting of the colors on the stage by the Forgotten Eagles and then it will be non-stop action past the mid-night hour. This is the type of event to bring along your own chair, since we will be setting up the stage over home plate at the Fair Ground ball diamond. To play in the infield, you will need to get there early, but the view from the outfield will be great as well. We are not ready to announce it yet, but we understand that we are planning something very special for the people in the outfield, that will put them in the front of the action at times as well.
By this weekend, on our website page for the BASH at www.upmag.net we will have the advanced sales for passes and event T shirts, up and running. Our next monthly print magazine goes in the mail next week and will soon be arriving to stores in northern Michigan and Wisconsin. The new issue has the T- Shirt design as the cover. Please understand that my Lady Robin, and son Jeremy spearhead the newsstand delivery in both states and it takes all month to reach all the stores. We look at it like those that paint the Big Mac bridge, as soon as they are done, it is time to start all over again.
If you will be looking for motels or camp grounds, your best bet is to contact the fine folks at the Chamber and tell them the BASH sent you over. They are putting together information on everything around and can guide you in the right direction. There number is: (906) 387-2138 or e-mail at: ccarberry@jamadots.com They also have a web site at: www.algercounty.org
Near the fair grounds there have been arrangements made for those that want free camping but about as rustic as you can get. hey, but the price is right. The area used to be a golf driving range and they promised the grass will be cut and you are welcome to pick out a spot. We plan to spot some Porta Johns there if we hear people want to use this area. Please call us at the PPP office at (906) 439-5111 or e-mail me at: mike@upmag.net is this type of camping fits your needs and we can make plans for you. Other than that, there are many great camp grounds in the area and the Chamber can help you with that.
Based on what feedback we are getting so far, this looks like it is going to be a fun filled weekend up here in God's Country. Sure hope you all can come up and join us, we only have one 21st Birthday and we have been waiting a long time for this to happen. Next year we will just be older and maybe even wiser, but I would not bet on it. There is talk already about next years BASH.
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