
Dear Republic Leadership - WAKE UP & SAVE OUR COUNTRY !

I write to you out of deep concern for our nation and the craziness of proposed laws and the items even being considered.   I receive 3 to 4  letters from various republican groups every day, but I have seen no aggressive game plan presented.
In the past the Republican party has played defense against the crazy socialist agenda presented and that is all that is presented in your letters.  It is time to swing the pendulum way back and run an Offensive game like never before.  It is time to greatly reduce the budget and ALL discretionary spending.  Not just a few pork barrel items, all spending that is not related to national security.  The items that have been put up to vote on the internet of the YOU VOTE program  all need to be cut.  Out nation is bankrupt.  We must stop spending on things that would be nice to have.  We don’t have the money for nice things; we are broke. 

We don’t just need a balanced budget we need to reduce the deficit now.  I would like to see ALL of the Republicans take a pledge to the people of the United States that as soon as you get back and are in the majority,  you will cut your salaries 20%, stop the full salary for life retirement program for elected officials (Congress and the President)  as a way to say that you are serious about this budget and that it will start with YOU.  Tell them you are being elected to SERVE your nation and not to be served.  Try to do it with Democrat support that is for our nation.  That You are Serving our nation.  The Republican speaker of the House needs to pledge that he or she will never use an air force plane for trips home for pleasure and all free lunches will end, that no Republican will take any bribe, trip, gift, free lunch, free hunting trip, with any lobby group or on the tax payer.   Be different!  Stop the politics as usual.  Be Bold! Swing the pendulum way back to where it was in 1776.  Let it be the 1776 campaign promise to restore the nation to a federal government that was planned for in the constitution.  That a representative would come to office for a short time – serve their nation and go home to their own pursuits for financial gain.  The federal government needs to go back to the constitutional principles.
The Federal government exists to insure that people are free to pursue their work in a safe country.  Legislation must be prepared and ready to be passed as soon as congress reconvenes.   We can not afford to let the Democrats have time to regroup.  I would challenge each Republican in Washington to make friends with one Democrat  that does not want our nation to end up as a socialist state that reports to the UN;  Try then to  bring them around to reality of the state of our nation. The time is later than you think.
  First for example we have a huge problem with illegal immigration, border security, illegal drug trafficking that is coming with the failed border.  So what is considered?  AMNESTY.  That is insanity.  How will ignoring the current law, make people law abiding.  This is the first example of CRAZY legislation.   I propose that Republicans stand up just like Arizona and Missouri have and say no we are going to enforce our laws and if you can not abide peacefully then force will be used.
1. Therefore the first thing on the list should be national security and our borders.   A bill needs to be passed that clearly states that if a person ever enters illegally into our country they are never eligible for citizenship.  Amnesty will increase the problem not eliminate it.  Why encourage people to break the law.  Even considering this makes a mockery of our system.  Enforce the laws we have.  Use Arizona and Missouri as examples.  Finish the fence and arm the border patrol.
2.   All federal and state aid programs for welfare, food stamps, and medicaid must show citizenship.   Those programs are not for visiting workers and sure should not be for illegal citizens.  Have immigration enforcement officers at all locations that issue food stamps and accept applications for welfare and medicaid.  If they are unemployed they should go home to their original country.
3.  Birthright citizenship is for children born here to legal citizens.  We must end this form of encouragement to pregnant girls to cross the border and deliver a baby here with free medical and food stamps waiting.  These programs for illegals must end because they encourage illegal immigration.
4.  Pass a law that states English is our national language and only English will be used in all government proceedings and buildings.  If people want to become an American then they don’t need to have allegiance to another flag.   They must learn English and respect our flag and our nation. 
5.  Social Security payments to people who did not pay into the system must end.  Paying social security to new immigrants who have not worked and paid into the system is crazy.  Again why would that have ever been included.  We must end the insanity.  We can’t provide the retirement for people who have not paid into the sytem.  This encourages illegal immigration.  Cut off the money and you will take away the incentive to come here illegally.
6.  For illegals that are caught a swift deportation must follow as an example and the business must have a heavy fine to force them to only hire legal workers and to pay and treat them as the law requires.
7.  Stimulate the economy- repeal the stimulus package save the remaining money, keep tax cuts in place for 2 more years, and give a tax cut incentive to any American company that brings jobs home. Encourage businesses to make their products here with legal citizens.  Streamline permitting for companies that want to get permits to have a factory here.  Be friendly to businesses that are willing to hire American workers.  Give all workers the option to not be a part of a union if they don’t want to.  Make all of the voting for union control be  in secret and membership optional.  Fine businesses that do not obey the law either hiring illegal workers or give the Union bosses too much power.  Break up Unions by work type so that no Union boss has undo power.
8.  Repeal  The Healthcare bill-  The main things wrong with health care are mal practice law suits and fraudulent claims.  The Bill that was prepared and passed did not address or solve these problems.  We don’t need government corruption added to corporate and individual corruption.
9.  Change the Cap and Trade Bill-We don’t need legislation that tells us where to plant shade trees and regulates our homes. We don’t need a huge bureaucracy  Just extend the tax credits and incentives for people who do want to update their homes with more energy efficient windows and appliances- made in the USA.   Carbon Dioxide is not a harmful chemical.    Instead of burdening corporations with keeping track of credits and having stock market swings in the value of these credits, offer a corporation tax credit to companies that reduce harmful emissions like NOx and SOx.  Since carbon dioxide is not a harmful chemical and part of the human life cycle there is no reason to reduce CO2 emissions.  That will not affect the quality of life on the planet.  That again is part of the insanity.  Regulate something that is hazardous to life.  This will motivate companies to keep refineries and Chemical plants here in the USA so our nation has JOBS.
10.  Treat terrorists as terrorists.  How insane is this to move their trial to a civilian court as if they were law abiding American citizens who made a mistake.  Their crimes are intentional, planned and premeditated and against all US citizens.
I urge you all to have legislation ready.  To be bold! To be out spoken! (see Senator DeMint).  To never accept corruption as politics as usual!  Never be afraid to do the right thing.  Pray and seek God’s direction at all times.  Reduce the size and scope of the federal government.  Table all legislation that attempts to control free speech, the internet, or religious freedom of expression.  (Don’t confuse religious freedom of expression of praising God versus a building that harbors terrorists).
Thank you for reading my letter and my concerns.
John F Horn, Michael Van Den Branden (Captain Mike), and concerned American Citizens all over this country


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