The White House has tapped a former leader of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and the Indiana Wildlife Federation as the Asian carp czar to oversee the federal response to keeping the invasive species out of the Great Lakes. On a conference call today with Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin and other congressional leaders, President Obama's Council on Environmental Quality announced the selection of John Goss to lead the near $80 million, multi-pronged federal attack against Asian carp. "This is a serious challenge, a serious threat," Durbin said. "When it comes to the Asian carp threat, we are not in denial. We are not in a go-slow mode. We are in a full attack, full-speed ahead mode. We want to stop this carp from advancing."
unfortunately the elected officials of "Crook County" will only do what is right for them. We need to close the locks now to Lake Michigan. Will it stop the Asian Carp...probably not in the long run but it may slow down the influx to a slow creep to allow natural predators to intercede. On the positive side, i hear they are delicious!
If the Asian Carp are really delicious than maybe a fish processing plant could be built along the Ship and Sanitary Canal just before the locks. The water could be sucked right into the plant and the fish removed, processed and available as fresh fish for five star dining places in the Chicago area.
As far as locking the doors on the canal, that would be like cutting off a major exit ramp to a Interstate Highway. The canal is a major waterway to the Mississippi River. I have used it myself, along with thousands of boaters heading south for the winter.
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