Besides the scenic ride just to get here for the Bash, there are near by spots of area entertainment as well. Christmas Casino, Pictured Rocks Boat Tour, Charter Fishing, many Water Falls and a lot more. There is no better time than right now to mark your calendar for the last weekend in August to take in all the best the Upper Peninsula of Michigan has to offer and help us party down for our 21st birthday and raise some money for veterans. Our band line up for the weekend is still pending so we are not ready to throw out and names yet. The vendor list keeps growing and bike builders are making their plans to be here.
Area Lions Club members will be hosting our beer tent, so the most important stuff is being taken care of. Oh ya, the girls at the top, those are the Chop Shop Girls who we contacted at the Daytona Bike Week and are coming to do a Bike Washing and will be doing a Kimmy Cruz Chop Shop Fashion Show.
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