I come apologizing back, I quit paying for my subscription about 3 or 4 months ago, but you kept right on sending me the mag with your apology for too much right wing "ink." You substituted the right wing crap with some Will Rogers writings that everyone can enjoy. Thank you!
Enclosed my check for 1 year, go back to when you started the "freebies" and credit it to my account, I don't need charity. I am not poverty stricken.
You see when I returned from the army on October 8, 1945, I joined the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and still belong, working union all those years, retired 1983 with a good pension and still draw the good pension even though I am 91 1/3 years of age.
I lived and trout fished most of the fine trout streams in Michigan when I was younger and caught a 9 lb. Rainbow in the Clinton River on August 24th, 1954 which was shown on may episodes of Mort Neff's Michigan Outdoors program in the year 1954.
Thank you so much for courtesies extended to me! Enclosed my check for 1 year, at my age I think in terms of terminal. Go Well. I lived in Waterford Twsp. I remember Will Rogers and Wiley post and the Alaska Crash 1935.
Grady Pinner - Vero Beach, Florida
Sir, that is a beautiful fish.
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